Mobile Responsive .NET MVC Web Application with Google Calendar Integration

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Project Description

We built a .NET web application was built as a events listing application where events that were ‘Liked’ by a user would be automatically added to the users iCal, Google Calendar, or Outlook calendar.

The site required the user to login with FaceBook credentials, but could easily have Twitter, Google+, Instagram, or normal email/password combination used for authentication.

What We Did

Using .NET MVC with it’s membership integration, we were easily able to connect users FaceBook account to the site.

We also were able to have the user add the calendar to their Apple iCal or Google Calendar. The site was able to detect the device the user was on and provide instructions based on the visit type.

The layout was made so it was simple and the messages kept light and fun to work with the brand of “TheHubuzz”.


The site is still online today and requires FaceBook authentication to user, but still will automatically add events to a users calendar after they’ve signed up.